Via Corda – Bureau des Moniteurs d’Ardèche Méridionale

Rivers and plate tectonics have ceaselessly forged the steep landscapes of Ardèche. You will discover these landscapes from the cliffs, hanging on your lifeline, vertiginous passages and spider abseiling are on the programme.

By |February 10th, 2025|Comments Off on Via Corda – Bureau des Moniteurs d’Ardèche Méridionale

Canyon sec barranco de Rochecolombe avec Kayacorde

Dry riverbed expedition ("barranco" in spanish) starting in the ruins of an abandonned village. This barranco will help one get familiarized with rockclimbing, caving, ziplining, rope climbing ("via cordata") in full safety. This adventure is open to families ages 10 and up.

By |February 17th, 2025|Comments Off on Canyon sec barranco de Rochecolombe avec Kayacorde

Découverte Via Corda

A horizontal walk suspended from a cliff, from age 8 upwards, accessible to all the family, to help you discover the aerial environment. This affordable, fun hike is set in beautiful surroundings above the River Chassezac.

By |December 6th, 2024|Comments Off on Découverte Via Corda

Via Corda du jardin d’Endieu avec Kayacorde

Via corda is an acrobatic course in cliff on the heights of fabulous gorges. We progress along a rope in a 100% natural environment, alternating between easy climbing, monkey bridge, zipline, cave, river & abseiling. Original experience. From 8 years old.

By |February 17th, 2025|Comments Off on Via Corda du jardin d’Endieu avec Kayacorde