Well-being activities in Ardèche
Spa Séquoia Redwood by les Thermes de Vals-les-Bains

The Spa Séquoia Redwood is 1,500 m² of well-being nestled on the upper floor of the Thermes de Vals-les-Bains in an exceptional world of wood, space and light.
Massages bien être avec Océan’Om
Océan’Om does well-being massages at home (vacation spot) and in my massage place in Mirabel. Hot stone massage, Californian, Abhyanga,…
NaturopatheArdèche Naturopathy and Plantar Reflexology at home with Cécile Bourdin

I offer you support in naturopathy and reflexology, directly at your home.
Passionate about natural well-being and the harmonious functioning of the body, I help you find and maintain your overall balance.
La bulle en soi(e)

Stressed, tired? Come and recover in a calm and peaceful place where you can recharge your batteries to find relaxation and serenity thanks to a personalized well-being massage and/or a sophrology session.
Well-being massages and contemplative walk at Gites de Sylilanse

You need to find yourself, recharge your batteries, take a nature cure, come and enjoy our different well-being activities!
Either the moment of a massage, a spa session or an oxygenating experience!